How JavaScript Works & Execution Context ?
Execution Context is a box which consist of two table
variable Environment Thread of Execution
| Memory | Code | | ---------- | ----------- | | key: value | ββ- 0ββ, β- |
- memory part also called as variable env,where it stores the variable,function etc
- Code part where all codes are runs line by line at a time.
How JavaScript Code is executed? and CallStack?
What is a browser JavaScript engine?
A JavaScript engine isΒ a software component that executes JavaScript code.
ECMAScript Β is the standardized specification of JavaScript,Β ECMAScript engine Β is another name for these engines.
Which Engine used by most popular browser ?
Google chrome β V8
firefox β spidermonkey
safari β javascript core apple engine
Chakra β internet Explore
var n = 2;
function square(num) {
var ans = num * num;
return ans;
var square2 = square(n);
var square = square(4);
When the code runs Global Execution context is created:
it has two-part
- Memory allocated phase
- Code creation phase
β 1st Phase
memory allocating to all variables and functions
2nd phase β
code execution phase
when a function is invocation happens
it will create a new execution context
- memory
- code
then again new function invocation another exhicution context is created
The whole thing managed by Stack is called Callstack
GEC β Global Execution Context
Ec1 β function is invoked and one execution context is created
after it complete the job it popped out
Ec2 β it will push into the call stack
after it done it gets popped out
at last call, stack will be empty
callstack maintains the order of the execution of execution context
So call stack is also known as :
- Execution context stack
- program stack
- control stack
- runtime stack
- machine stack
Hosting In Javascript ? [variables and functions ]
Hosting is the Phenomenon in javascript by which we can access the variable and function even before we initialized it.
we can access it without any error.
getName(); // javascript basic
console.log(x); // undefined
console.log(getName); // prints the actual code
var x = 13;
function getName() {
console.log("Javascript basic");
getName(); // javascript basic
console.log(x); // undefined
console.log(getName); // prints the actual code
// getName2(); // error is not a funtion
getName3(); // error is not a funtion
var x = 13;
function getName() {
console.log("Javascript basic");
var getName2 = () => {
console.log("arrow funtion ");
var getName3 = function () {
console.log("funtion another way to defined");
on the memory allocation phase getName2 and getName3 will allocate as undefined so the function is not invoked.
How function works in Javascript and variable environment?
var x = 1;
a(); // 10
b(); // 100
console.log(x); // 1
function a() {
var x = 10;
function b() {
var x = 100;
Shortest Javascript Program & Window and This keyword ...
so in javascript, the window is a Global object is created along with the Global execution context.
also, this variable is created. which is refers to the window object.
window === this; // true
var a = 33;
function sbs() {
var d = 88;
console.log(window.a); //10 this is global object
// console.log(d);// error
console.log(this.a); // 10
// every thing inside this is global obj but inside function is local
What is Undefined and not defined?
undefined β just like a placeholder to any variable
when the program runs js engine allocates all variable in memory allocation phase.
all as undefined.
console.log(a); // undefined
var a;
not defined β if it is not defined in the program then an error will give
which has not been allocated memory
console.log(d); // error not defined